Kirsten Cooke (editor)
Aqueous Humours Fluid Ground, 2025
We are bodies of water and bodies in air, steam and rain. We are hydro-flows, bodies whirling with ancient oceanic eddies and techno-waters. We are ecotones, or transitory zones, where body meets land meets water meets eye meets hand meets machine. Aqueous Humours are bodily fluids affecting our temperaments, encouraging laughter at the anthropocentric knowledge systems that ripple through the hydrological cycle. Fluid Ground is a watery mapping, which denatures cartography through practices of immersion, aquatics, time travel and the posthuman lenses of geological, animal and machine vision. This publication encompasses experimental nonfiction, fiction, diagram, scent and image. Kirsten Cooke has commissioned artists and writers into the flow of this publication through experimental nonfiction, fiction, diagram, cartography and image.
Carl Gent
Linda Stupart
Michelle Williams Gamaker
Harun Morrison
Melanie Jackson
Lucy A. Sames
Mer Maggie Roberts
Charlie Franklin
Ezra-Lloyd Jackson
Joseph Noonan-Ganley
Fluid Ground is a collaboration between Curator/Editor Kirsten Cooke and Melanie Jackson Artist/Convenor of The Poorhouse Reading Rooms, an archive and space for reading and writing art publishing based in the South West, and published with Matt’s Gallery.
This publication is funded by Goldsmiths, University of London and the University of Plymouth.
Cover Image: Carl Gent. Designed by Modern Activity
Price £20 (+P&P)
240 Pages, colour
ISBN 978-1-7393431-1-8
Size (h) 15.8cm x (w) 22.5cm