Anne Bean, The White Room, May 1970
Thursday 5 May 2022
Anne Bean will be Performing the Wormhole Contract at Hatton Gallery, Newcastle on 14th May at 7pm.
The Wormhole Contract is both the action and witnessing of the action, which happens simultaneously on 14th May 1970, 14th May 2022 and 14th May 2032.
Wormhole theory postulates that a passage or tunnel could link disparate points in space-time. Wormholes are predicted by the theory of general relativity and create the possibility for time travel.
In May 1970 at Reading University, as part of the White Room project, Anne Bean made an action in which she held conversations with people only through each of their mirrored reflections. She had recently arrived from an academic fine art education at Cape Town University. The White Room process exploded the academic, the fine art and the education, querying everything historically, socially, philosophically and politically. The process used the initial premise that life drawing is the space for the drawing of life. These explorations were central to many participants’ ongoing ethos in both art and life.
The draft of the Wormhole Contract will be drawn up and officially witnessed at the Hatton Gallery. The mirror, which is a part of this process, holds the reflections of each person present as ‘visionary selfies’ and will be wrapped, sealed and then opened in 2032. The audio, ‘Ballad of the White Room,’ made with three of the original participants, Anne Bean, Graham Challifour and Rod Melvin will again mutate with the interventions of current Newcastle students Lucy Heaton, Zoe Kendall and Erin Rowlinson-Martin.
For more information, visit the Hatton Gallery event page.