David Troostwyk, Supreme Object, 1979, Matt’s Gallery, London.
17 – 23 September 1979
Martello Street
Our Famous Culture is a new audio cassette work by David Troostwyk. Supreme Object is an audio/object work by the same artist and will be seen and heard for seven days at Matt’s Gallery.
The studio of Robin Klassnik will become Matt’s Gallery at two monthly intervals when it will show new work for seven days. The Gallery is seen as a brief but concentrated stop-over for new work to be experienced or checked - as much by the artist as by anyone else who may be really interested. London does not return the more liberal views and interest offered by mainland Europe to British artists and Matt’s will present the work of both European and British artists.
The first artist to show here is British: David Troostwyk. His work, drastically reorganised since 1974, is better known abroad where it is regarded as specifically English because of its "commentative" nature. Much of his work is attached to familiar or pre-digested texts or images. A workable visual agency is something most artists look for; Troostwyk finds that the most effective images and phraseology are those issued by propoganda and advertising. It is significant that it is the unsophisticated who most readily identify a picture or telecast of a rose or cat or washing machine with reality. And that the sophisticated do not. Quite a number of Troostwyk’s works conform to Jules Henry’s statement that "There now exists a total system of thought in advertising which is based on a new kind of truth."
With financial assistance from the Greater London Arts Association.