Jordan Baseman, don't stop 'til you get enough, 2005. Installation view courtesy of the artist and Matt's Gallery, London.
13 April – 12 June 2005
Copperfield Road
A selection of new videos by Jordan Baseman - a mixture of projections and monitor-based works - will be shown separately and sequentially in five constructed spaces within Matt’s Gallery. The works chosen for don’t stop ’til you get enough all follow a narrative structure and have a semi-documentary character, and range from stark and uncompromising to tender and comical portraits. This is the first time that the works will be shown together in the UK.
In the video don’t stop ’til you get enough, Michael Jackson impersonators describe their dreams involving Jackson and their feelings about dancing competitively. Images of drawings of Michael Jackson created by Jackson fans around the world accompany the voiceover.
Gordon Rowley, the former president of The British Succulent Society (cactus-lover and Spike Milligan aficionado) is the subject of the video CASTASIA!
July the Twelfth 1984 is based on the live audio recording of the countdown to the State of Georgia’s execution of Ivon Ray Stanley.
Daniel, a Romanian street beggar in Rome, is interviewed and filmed in the work Daniel. The questions raised by the interviewer derive from questions that children would like to ask God.
Jordan Baseman has recently completed a Visiting Arts Fellowship at Monash University, Melbourne Australia, and was the Henry Moore Sculpture Fellow at The British School in Rome in 2003.
The artist would like to thank: Paul Carter, Richard Cramp, John Frankland, Jonathan Garner, Ben Heasman, Ben Iliffe, Jee Min Kim, Ocean Mims, Simon Phillips, Carolyn Thompson, Matthew Tickle, Menelaos Triantafyllides.
24 September – 30 October 2022
14 – 28 January 2021
1 November 2018 – 31 October 2019
29 May – 21 July 2013
Copperfield Road
29 November 2011
Genesis Cinema
4 – 25 July 2009
Copperfield Road